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The internet is full of travel articles about the top destinations to visit, how to pack, where to stay, and what to do when you get there. All those articles seem to skip over one crucial part of the equation: how to stay healthy while you’re at the destination. If you don’t stay healthy, your trip can be ruined and in more severe cases you may not live to see the destination.

Here are the following ways on how you can stay healthy while traveling:

  1. Getting a flu shot is safe.

Did you know that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendation is for those 6 mos. and older must have the flu shot annually? Reasons to get a flu shot:

  • The best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu shot.
  • Flu season happens all year long, and it can happen at any time of the year.
  • It takes about two weeks after you get a flu shot for your body to get full protection against the flu.

That’s because getting a flu shot is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against the flu, which can sometimes lead to serious complications like pneumonia and even death.

  1. Always remember about hydration.

If you have ever traveled across several time zones, you know how difficult it can be to stay healthy. You may find yourself eating and drinking at strange hours, which can wreak havoc on your body. Traveling is fun, but it can also be stressful, so you may be tempted to eat or drink whatever is available to try and forget about your troubles. However, if you want to stay healthy, this is not a good idea. You should always remember to drink plenty of water while you are on the go. This will help you avoid problems like dehydration and jet lag.

  1. Avoid getting too much sun exposure.

In order to stay healthy while traveling, you need to learn how to avoid getting too much sun exposure. When we are in a new environment, it is common to want to try new activities. However, it is also common to overexpose yourself to the sun or heat since you aren’t used to the environment. This can lead to redness, burning, and shock to the immune system. It can cause rashes, sun poisoning, and even heat stroke if it gets too extreme.

  1. Choose the healthy options.

If you’re away on business or if you’re planning a vacation to a popular tourist destination, you should know that many restaurants are designed to appeal to your taste buds, not your waistline. Even restaurants that are otherwise known for their healthy offerings often have a menu section devoted to what I call “Halo Foods.” These are foods that are high in fat, sugar, and/or salt, but they taste so good that people can’t help but keep coming back for more. To avoid packing on a few extra pounds, avoid these Halo Foods the next time you’re out on the town.

  1. Get a good amount of sleep.

Whether you are jet-setting around the world for business or pleasure, one of the biggest health risks that come with travel is not getting enough sleep. Some of the biggest obstacles that keep people from getting a good night’s rest while traveling include a) jet lag, b) noise, c) unfamiliar surroundings, and d) uncomfortable sleeping conditions. Most people’s bodies reset their internal clocks every night, and it takes roughly a day to a day and a half to adjust to new time zones. This adjustment may take longer if you are also experiencing a lot of stress.

Things to Consider While Traveling

There are several things to consider keeping yourself healthy during your travels. The first thing is to choose a destination that is most likely to have a safe food supply. This is not to say that a country with an impoverished economy is not safe from the spread of infectious disease, but rather having a good economy usually means that the country is developed enough to have effective health care. But you should also think about what diseases are most likely to be found in your destination.

Staying well while traveling is especially tough for people who have chronic health conditions, such as asthma or diabetes. While taking important medications and keeping your doctor’s appointment schedule is a top priority, there are other ways to make sure you get the care you need while you’re away. You can find helpful travel resources from your doctor’s office, or from the American Lung Association, the American Diabetes Association, and other organizations that provide services and resources to people with chronic health conditions.

Ben Williams